important links
AmericaN Academy of Pediatrics
The AAP site provides helpful resources for pediatric providers and practices.
american academy of pediatrics- alabama chapter
The ALAAP site provides educational and practical support for pediatric providers across the state of Alabama.
American Board of Family Medicine
The ABFM site offers information on maintenance of certification, application dates and research.
American Board of Pediatrics
The ABP site includes information about pediatric training, certification and policy.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
The AHRQ site offers clinical practice guidelines for a number of conditions, information for patients, and information about funding opportunities to study best practices.
Center for Medical Home Improvement
The CMHI site provides information and resources for primary care practices implementing medical home principles.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
The IHI site includes information on quality improvement and how to implement it in an office or hospital setting.
National Academy of Medicine
The NAM site offers evidence-based reports on a variety of health and health-related issues.
National Academy for State Health Policy
The NASHP site includes reports on health policy and how it impacts health care at the state level.
National Association for Healthcare Quality
The NAHQ site includes information on quality improvement and on how to become a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality.
National Center for Medical Home Implementation
From the American Academy of Pediatrics, the NCMHI site compiles a wealth of information about pediatric medical home implementation, resources, and training, and includes state-specific pages with local resources and projects.
National Committee for Quality Assurance
The NCQA site includes information on quality improvement with a special focus on managed health care plans.
National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality
The NICHQ site includes information on national programs to implement quality improvement in children’s health care.
National Improvement Partnership Network
The NIPN site includes information the network of over 15 states that have developed Improvement Partnerships to advance quality and transform healthcare for children and their families. An Improvement Partnership is a durable state or regional collaboration of public and private partners that uses the science of quality improvement and a systems approach to change healthcare infrastructure and practice.
Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative
Developed by a coalition of employers, consumer groups, quality organizations, health plans, clinicians, etc. to support and advance the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of care; the PCPCC site provides information and resources about PCMH, with a focus on adult care and reimbursement.