Participants improve outcomes in a specific content area – in this case clinical supervisors will measurably improve strengths-based messaging and add, or enhance, screening and follow-up for perinatal depression, food insecurity, or social-emotional wellness at selected early childhood health supervision visits
QI Collaborative Framework
Improvement Glossary -
SEEN Teen Mental Wellness Prework Checklist
SEEN Teen Mental Wellness Selecting a QI Core Team
SEEN Teen Mental Wellness Core Team and Provider Expectations
SEEN Teen Mental Wellness Practice Important Dates
SEEN Teen Mental Wellness Action Period Timeline
Key Driver SEEN Teen Mental Wellness
SEEN Practice Welcome Packet -
Key Driver Resources
SEEN Key Driver
Resources in this section support SEEN Quality Improvement Activities
Italicized Items are found in the AAP Mental Health ToolkitIntegrating Mental Health into Pediatric Care Overview
Integration of Mental Health into Primary Care for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs)
Depression Screenings and Integrated Behavioral Health (Including Stepped Care)Universal Screening
Validated Screening
PHQ-9 Modified for Teens
PHQ-A Score Instructions
PHQ-A Combined w/ Ask Suicide Questions
ASQ Suicide Toolkit Summary
ASQ Suicide Screening Tool
Mental Health Tools for PediatricsStandardize Screening Workflow
Mental Health Care Workflow in Pediatric Practice
Brief Suicide Assessment Guide
Brief Suicide Assessment Worksheet for Providers
Youth Suicide Risk Screening Pathway- ASQ and NIMH
Preventing Youth Suicide: Strategies for Clinical Settings- AAP and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Practice Preparation and Triage for Psychiatric Emergencies
Caring for Patients at Eminent Risk of SuicideComplete Screen Confidentially
Screening Teens Best Workflow Practices
Alabama Youth Consent and Protected Health Information
Screening Confidentially Best Practices- Michigan Adolescent Health Initiative
ConfidentialityStandardized Management for Positive Screens
Discuss Management Options with Teen and Caregiver Utilizing Evidence Based Communication and Develop Shared Plan of Care with Teens and Caregiver
Common Factors Approach HEL2P3 Build a Better Alliance
Eliciting and Setting Agenda with Common Factors Approach
Common Factors Approach: Timing and Delivering of Advice
Common Factors Approach- When Caregiver and Child Argues
Common Factors Approach for those Ambivalent or Rejecting of Advice
Common Factors Approach for those who are Stuck or HopelessManagement Resources: Behavioral
Common Elements Evidence Based Practice for Primary Care
Evidence Based Psychosocial Interventions- Choose Wisely
AAP Mental Health Minute Videos- AAPManagement Resources: Psychopharmacology
Psychopharmacology for Pediatrics
Psychopharmacology for Pediatricians Digital Tool- 3rd EditionManagement Resources: Culturally Appropriate Materials
AAP available in English and Spanish
Depression in Children and Teens
How is Depression Treated in Children and Teens
Depression Parent Medication Guide- AACAP Toolbox
Healthy Sleep Hygiene
Healthy Eating for Teens-My Plate (English)
Healthy Eating for Teens-My Plate (Spanish)
Family Handout: Managing Depression or Sadness- Tips for Families
Self Care Success: GLAD-PC Toolkit
American Psychological Association Racial Stress and Self-Care: Parent Tip ToolVideos for Families
Monster Meditation
Tools for Youth and Teens- National Academy of Sciences- Deep Breathing, Calming Mind, etc. (English and Spanish)Apps for Families
One Mind PsyberGuide- Through rigorous evaluation of technology and promotion of scientific best practices, we seek to guide the science, practice, development and use of digital mental health tools in various settings
AAP Advisor: An American Psychiatric Association Initiative - This resource covers why it is critical to assess an app and how to evaluate an app
CBT-ICoach Sleep App
Woebot: Your Self-Care Expert- Step-by-Step guidance using Cognitive Behavioral TherapyManagement Resources: Suicide
Brief Suicide Assessment Positive Screen Worksheet for Providers
ACHIA Safety Plan Example
Caring for Patients at Eminent Risk of Suicide
Treatment for Suicidal Ideation, Self-Harm, and Suicide Attempts Among YouthManagement: Refer to Mental Health Providers and Support Systems
988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline
Psychiatric Intake Response Center (PIRC)- The Psychiatric Intake Response Center (PIRC), located in the Emergency Department at Children's of Alabama, is a free, confidential phone response center designed to help adult callers and community providers in finding the appropriate level of mental health care. (Open 8-11 PM)
School-Based Mental Health Collaboration- The SBMH programs are designed to ensure that mental health needs of children and adolescents in the public schools are identified early on and addressed in a competent manner through a school, family and community mental health partnershipsManagement: Online Resources for Families
988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline- Call or text 988
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)- NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness
SOVA: Supporting Our Valued Adolescents- A private online community and education website part of a larger research study
AAKOMA- AAKOMA believes that to meet the mental health needs of Youth of Color, we need to operate at three levels- raising consciousness among individuals, providing accessible tools for ongoing management, and shifting systems to receive youth and provide better care.
BEAM: Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective- Our mission is to remove the barriers that Black people experience getting access to or staying connected with emotional health care and healing through education, training, advocacy and the creative arts.
The Trevor Project- Crisis Center, Research Center, Advocacy, Public Education, Safe Space for LGBTQ young people
Michigan Adolescent Health Initiative LGBTQ Services
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- Funds research, eduates public, advocates for public policies, supports survivors of suicide loss
Crisis Center-Birmingham-Utalk Youth Line for Teens 202-328-5465: text and phone counseling 3 PM-10 PM every single day
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry- Resource centers for families on wide spectrum of Youth Mental Health topicsFollow up for Depression and Suicidal Ideation
Registries for Follow up
Follow up Tracker(excel document)
Developing a Practice RegistryReminder/Recall
Using a Registry for Reminder Recalls
Follow Up: Assess behavioral modifications/ Track Med changes
Utilize tele-mentoring between PCP and mental health professional (when appropriate and available)
PATHS (Pediatric Access to Telemental Health Services)
Establish two-way communication with mental health referrals
HIPPA and Provider-to-Provider Communication
Additional Resources
-These resources support aspects of clinical mental health care outside of the SEEN Collaborative Focus
Mental Health Practice Readiness Inventory- This tool helps practices "score" the practice to detemine the strength of the organizations readiness to provide essential mental health services
Integrating Behavioral Care into the Pediatric Medical Home
AACAP Pediatric Integrated Resource Center
Partnering with Caregivers and Youth
Creating and Sustaining a Thriving Youth Council
Provider Education
#57- Depression July 2022
#50- Anxiety Part 1 May 2022
#51- Anxiety Part 2 May 2022
Motivational Interviewing AAP Videos
Mental Health Training (Free- 12 hours)- Includes a 1 hour Pediatric Psychopharmacology Moduletion
What is a Process Map?
PDSA Ramp and Worksheet BLANK
PDSA Ramp and Worksheet EXAMPLE
SEEN Monthly PDSA Survey
sFMEA (blank)
sFMEA (example)
Practice Planning Timeline
The Run Chart: A Simple Analytical Tool
Value of Small Sample Sizes in Rapid Cycle QIWebsites
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) (Free Requires Registration)
National Institute for Children's Health QualityToolkits
Institute for HealthCare Improvement QI Essentials Toolkit
American Board of Pediatrics QI GuideVideos
Mental Health Competencies for Pediatric Practice
Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care:
Part l: Practice Preparation, Identification, Assessment, and Initial Management
Part ll: Treatment and Ongoing ManagementDepression and Suicide- Risk Screening Results in Pediatric Primary Care
Improving Follow-Up for Adolescents with Depression in Primary Care
Implementing Suicide Risk Screening in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting
Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress: Partnering with Families and Communities to Promote Relational Health
Guidelines for Children with Anxiety
Peds Psychopharmacology
Collaborative Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents in Pediatric Primary Care
Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Assessment and Treatment of Complex Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Anxiety and Depression Treatment in Primary Care Pediatrics
Primary Care Pediatricians as a Solution to Treating Anxiety and Depression CommentaryReports
Protecting Youth Mental Health: The US Surgeon Advisory 2021
Ring the Alarm: Crisis of Black Youth Suicide in AmericaBooks
Recommended for Collaborative
Mental Health Strategies for Pediatric Care. Forman, et al. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022.
Pediatric Psychopharmacology 3rd edition. Mark A Riddle, MD. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022. (For practices planning to prescribe medications)May also be of Interest
Managing Mental Health Concerns in Pediatrics: A Clinical Support Chart. Jane Meschan Foy, MD, FAAP. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2021.
Mental Health Care of Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Primary Care Clinicians. Jane Meschan Foy, MD, FAAP. 2018. -