Early Relational Health

ACHIA is happy to announce the launch of its new QI collaborative in December 2023. Healthy Beginnings 2024: An ACHIA Trauma Informed Care and Resiliency QI Collaborative will focus on measurably improving strengths-based messaging and enhancing screening and follow-up for perinatal depression, social determinants of health and social-emotional wellness during early childhood well visits. Led by Dr. Elizabeth Dawson, nine participating practices will learn how to transition from "summing the suffering" to "building the buffering" by promoting resiliency and positive childhood experiences. 

Early Relational Health Resouces Available Statewide

Practices passionate about early relational health that were unable to join the collaborative can learn more about this rapidly evolving area by exploring the AAPs Early Relational Health website. The ACHIA website has links to two AAP Pedialink courses: "Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: Relational Foundations for Lifelong Health" and "Trauma Informed Care and Resilience Promotion." 

As for a community resource, the PATHS program is now available statewide! PATHS provides behavioral health case consultation, educational programs in the treatment of a variety of childhood behavioral health disorders, care coordination, referrals to behavioral health resources, and behavioral health services via telemedicine between patients and behavioral health professionals at Children's of Alabama. They have recently been expanding their services to support Early Relational Health. Contact Susan Griffin ( for more information. 

This article first appeared in the Fourth Quarter 2023 Edition of the Alabama Pediatrician Newsletter.